Patch notes - version 0.93
Oscilloscope and live param bindings
- Real time binding of sound params. Moving a slider now has an immediate effect on playing sounds. In 0.92 and earlier settings would only be applied to future notes.
- Shortened release for some presets. Including the initial preset (sine wave).
- Constants are now "global" per preset, and not tied to audio params definitions.
- The noise component of the noise bass preset now quickly diminishes for notes brighter than middle C.
User interface
- Oscilloscope. A time domain view of the sound as seen by the mixer.
- Button to toggle between time domain, frequency domain and nothing in the top right visualization window.
- Some new functions available on the expression parser. Comparison operators (<, >= et.c.), if operator ? condition then_expr else_expr and a step function that returns 1 iff the input > 0.
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