Patch notes - version 0.91
IOS6 LFO workaround, sound settings fixes and improved UI
- Workaround found for lack of implicit summation of input signals to params on IOS6 - do the summation on the input of a gain node with gain 1.0, and connect the gain node to the param.
- New sound - ipadimpa to demonstrate the workaround.
- dest - the destination route of an audionode output - is now an array called dests. This enables multiple outputs per node. (fanout)
- Descreased decay, release and sustain on square and noisy bass. Sounds better when playing on a midi keyboard.
- A flag on nodes called src. Can and should be set to true if the node is an AudioSourceNode. The synth will then call noteOn / start when the sound starts playing.
- Polish notation expression parser for parameter values. Can use variables (f)requency, (v)elocity and (t)ime
- First attempt at making a convincing piano sound. Sounds good from far, but far from good. Uses a additive synthesis with a "WaveTable" oscillator. The wavetable is not configurable yet though.
- More than one output can now be configured in the sound settings UI.
- Envelope graphs in the UI are now updated correctly when the preset changes, or when a different envelope is selected.
- The adsr envelope UI is now generalized to a "details view". One thing at a time is visible here, and the view is not limited to showing envelopes.
- Graphical representation (mostly fake) of approach envelopes. SVG programming was way more annoying than I imagined.
- A new slider mapping similar to the existing log2/exp slider, but not limited to positive values.
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