If you landed here by accident, and have no idea what SWG Armor Crafting is, this app is probably not for you
If you are familliar with the standard crafting UI in SWG, this app will hopefully be intuitive. A few things to note
- Resources can only be inserted by double clicking. Drag- and- drop is not implemented
- To make some armor you first need to create at least one segment. It will land in your inventory after you are done crafting it.
- To begin crafting, select a schematic in the white dropdown list at the top of the page
- No support yet for optional components. If you want to skip an optional enhancement, fill the slot with a "null" enhancement.
- Lots of graphics and stats on the screens are fake. But the ones that actually matter are not
- Numbers are often shown with one of the notorious "hidden decimals".
- Inventory, and all other state, is reset when you leave the page. Or even when you refresh the page.
- This page contains no server side code, and nothing you do on the page is tracked.
- Some images on this page are made from screenshots from the game. They may contain material by copyrighted by Lucasarts or Sony Online. Or Disney. Or something.
- This page works and looks nice on my machine. Great in Chrome. Good in Firefox nightly.
- SWG is alive and well. And free. And open source. Check it out at swg emu